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線上讀書會: 異徑

Book Club: Along Alien Roads
Thursday, 12/15/2022
6:00 - 7:30

一個不尋常的故事,一部跨越兩世紀的自傳小說。與風雲人物相交,由溥儀、戴笠到陸小曼。像一幅細膩精緻的壁毯,他的回憶編織着無數故事。作者生於漢口,一生歷遍香港、上海、瀋陽、台北、日本各地,定居舊金山,行醫退休後旅居法國和意大利。 承受時代、世人、社會包括性取向各種演變,令他永遠作為一個異鄉人,卻始終保持着一個華人的心靈,體驗他的異徑。



Read, discuss ideas and connect through the many book clubs hosted by SFPL.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Chinese American community.

This program is sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

Attending Programs

All programs are drop-in (no registration necessary) unless otherwise noted. All SFPL locations are wheelchair accessible. For accommodations (such as ASL), call (415) 557-4557 or contact accessibility@sfpl.org. Requesting at least 3 business days in advance will help ensure availability.

This program will be conducted in English unless otherwise noted.

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