Access a comprehensive directory of people who move across government, business, lobbying firms or media.
Please contact the Government Information Center at or 415-557-4500 to access this resource.
Online practice tests based on the official exams for SAT, GED, GRE, GMAT, Civil Service jobs, ASVAB and many more. Download ebooks related to jobs and careers skills or watch videos on basic computer skills and popular software. Funding for Career Online High School is provided by California State Library's CAPathways, a program of the California State Library.
Archival runs of influential serial publications covering LGBT interests, such as The Advocate and Gay Times. The archives chronicle more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community and serves related disciplines such as sociology, political science, psychology, health and the arts. Some publications may contain explicit content. View title list.
LGBTQ history and activism, cultural/policy studies, psychology, health, political science, and other related areas of research. Includes the “Phyllis Lyon, Del Martin, and the Daughters of Bilitis” (1955-1984) and “Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin: Beyond the Daughters of Bilitis” (1966-1984) document collections.
Full text and abstracts of articles from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender periodicals and monographs.
Index to more than 600 periodicals on library and information science topics. This database also contains full text for more than 240 journals.
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Unlimited access to over 16,000 business, design, and tech online courses. Funding for Career Online High School is provided by California State Library's CAPathways, a program of the California State Library.
Complete back files and current volumes of eight titles: Contemporary Literary Criticism, Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism, Literature Criticism from 1400-1800, Shakespearean Literature Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Short Story Criticism, Drama Criticism.
Biographies, articles, criticism, overviews, glossary and more on writers and literature.