11:00 - 2:00
In honor of the exhibit Silent Spikes, the Main Library hosts a community event that invites the public to bring mementos and stories of ancestors who played a role in this important historical event. It include a surprise play, guest speakers, ribbon cutting, a film screening of the documentary Crossing Donner Summits by Min Zhou and a panel discussion with historians and community leaders.
This program is provided by a partnership with the Chinese Center of San Francisco Public Library, Chinese Railroad Workers Descendants Association and Chinatown History & Culture Association.
為紀念【沉默的道釘:尋找鐡路華工的足跡】展覽,我們誠邀您於 2022 年3 月12日上午 11時親臨位於Larkin 街100號的三藩市總圖書館參加社區聚會,可携同對這重要歷史事件有發揮作用及由先祖流傳下來的紀念品和故事到場。活動包括驚喜遊戲, 嘉賓演講, 剪彩, 放映 Min Zhou 的紀錄片 "穿越唐納峰"(Crossing Donner Summits) 及由 歷史學家和社區領袖組成的小組討論。
該項目由舊金山公共圖書館中文中心, 鐡路華工後裔協會 (CRWDA) 和華埠歷史文化協會 (CHCA) 合作提供。
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