6:00 - 7:30
United States
Grotto Nights is a monthly series at the Library featuring The Writers Grotto members who will showcase and discuss their writing around a theme of their choice. This month features Rita Chang-Eppig, Susan Ito and Grace Loh Prasad, all writing about regional and family histories in fiction and nonfiction. The authors will discuss their work and invite the audience to participate in an activity related to the theme.
The Writers Grotto is a creative community of writers and artists based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Attendees are encouraged to learn more about the Grotto writing community by taking classes, attending Grotto events and participating in Rooted and Written.
Grotto Nights take place the first Tuesday of the month through March 2023.
Rita Chang-Eppig received her MFA from NYU. Her novel about the legendary pirate queen of China, Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea, is forthcoming in 2023 from Bloomsbury. Her stories have appeared in The Best American Short Stories 2021, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Conjunctions, Clarkesworld, The Rumpus, Virginia Quarterly Review and elsewhere. She has received fellowships from the Rona Jaffe Foundation, the Vermont Studio Center, the Writers Grotto, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University.
Susan Ito co-edited the literary anthology A Ghost At Heart’s Edge: Stories & Poems of Adoption. Her work has appeared in Growing Up Asian American, Choice, Hyphen, Hip Mama, Catapult, The Bellevue Literary Review and elsewhere. She has performed her solo show, The Ice Cream Gene, around the US. She teaches at the Writers Grotto, Mills College and Bay Path University. Her theatrical adaption of Untold, stories of reproductive stigma, was produced at Brava Theater. Her memoir, I Would Meet You Anywhere, is forthcoming from the Ohio State University Press in fall 2023.
Grace Loh Prasad was born in Taiwan and raised in New Jersey and Hong Kong before settling in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College and is an alumna of Tin House and VONA. Her essays have appeared in The New York Times, Longreads, The Offing, Artsy, Hyperallergic, Catapult, Jellyfish Review, KHÔRA and elsewhere. She is a member of The Writers Grotto and Seventeen Syllables, an AAPI writers collective. Her memoir manuscript is entitled The Translator’s Daughter.
The Writers Grotto - Website | The Writers Grotto - Instagram | The Writers Grotto - Twitter
Rita Chang-Eppig – Website | Rita Chang-Eppig – Twitter
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