1:00 - 3:30
Homeless Veterans Outreach Services — joint outreach event for unhoused veterans provided by San Francisco VA Healthcare System and America Works of California, Inc. This event is free and open to eligible Veterans.
The SF VA Homeless Outreach Coordinator will be available to orient eligible Veterans to VA homeless programs. Services include:
- Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV)
- Emergency and Transitional Housing
- VA Supported Housing (HUD-VASH)
- VA Compensated Work Therapy Programs (CWT)
- VA Basics- Enrollment Information
- Non-VA resource and referrals for Veterans
The San Francisco Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) Outreach Coordinator will be available to assist Veterans who are either homeless or housing insecure. Veterans must be residing in San Francisco, looking for work and/or working less than full-time and have a character of discharge that is anything but dishonorable.
The job assistance services vary and range from:
- Job planning
- Resume building
- Mock interviews
- Application assistance
- Transportation assistance (gas cards, clipper cards)
- Interview clothing funds
- Courses for learning computer and other basic employment skills
- Certain certificate/training programs specific to the job of interest, such as: Food Handling, Truck Driving, and Guards (Guard Card) to name a few.
The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) assists Californians with disabilities obtain and retain employment and maximize their ability to live independently. Vocational rehabilitation teams work closely with job seekers to establish the best combination of services and resources necessary to prepare for, find, retain and advance in employment. Our services are tailored to each individual’s strengths and challenges to ensure the greatest chance of success.
Veteran Outreach Services event is provided by San Francisco Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, America Works of California, Inc. and Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).
Veterans Interest
The Veterans Resources at the Bridge supports the veteran community with information and assistance for veterans and their families. For more information, please visit sfpl.org/veterans.