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Author: Grace Liu
Sunday, 11/5/2023
2:00 - 4:00
Richmond Meeting Room
Richmond/Senator Milton Marks

351 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
United States

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       Engage in a profound exploration of life through the lens of art with the author. Grace Liu, who has spent years deeply immersed in the realms of visual and literary art, displays exceptional prowess in interpreting the joys and leisure of life from a truly distinctive vantage point.


林豐蓉/Grace Liu

         北一女、台大外文系。美國馬里蘭大學圖書館與資訊研究所畢業。定居於加州聖荷西,前後任職舊金山及聖荷西公立圖書館,因其專業知識與管理才能而擢升為聖荷西分館館長,其間亦曾任聯邦政府示範計劃負責人,推廣圖書館服務遍及舊金山南灣少數族裔,兩年之內成績斐然。Grace 長期沉浸書海,博覽群籍,處世率真,鍾愛文學與藝術,琴藝、書法、茶道與合唱無一不精。千禧年間旅居香港七年,請益於國學大師葉嘉瑩教授及其他中外不同領域的學者專家。由於經年關注電影藝術,其所創立的電影研究社團是矽谷華人中極具特色的組織。 Grace 深具繪畫天賦,擅長以獨特視角闡釋生活中的興會與閒情,用圖文留住人間的美好;疫情期間,從容自若,畫筆下的日常清歡,時而婉麗,時而輕鬆超逸,撫慰許多人焦慮困乏的心靈。

Author's Biography: 

          A graduate of Taipei First Girls' High School and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University, Grace furthered her education by completing studies at the University of Maryland's Library and Information Science Institute in the United States. She currently resides in San Jose, California and has a wealth of experience working in public libraries in both San Francisco and San Jose. Additionally, she has made significant contributions as the coordinator of a federal government demonstration project aimed at promoting library services to minority communities in the South Bay area of San Francisco, achieving remarkable results within just two years.

         During the turn of the millennium, Grace resided in Hong Kong for seven years and had the privilege of learning from eminent Chinese scholars and experts across diverse fields, including the renowned Professor Ye Jiaying. Her passion for filmmaking led her to establish a unique and distinctive film study group within the Silicon Valley Chinese community.

        Grace possesses a natural talent for painting and excels at interpreting life's joys and leisure from a truly distinctive perspective. Through her use of both images and text, she skillfully captures the beauty of human existence. Notably, during the pandemic, she remained composed and, with her brushwork ranging from elegant to light-hearted, painted the daily life with grace, providing solace to many anxious and weary souls.





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Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin

This program is sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

Attending Programs

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