2:00 - 3:30
United States
No matter the size of your patio, deck, balcony or apartment windowsill, you can find a place to grow succulents in the city. After a brief overview of the natural history of succulents, she will discuss succulent care and culture, including soils, pots, watering, and light. She will present which plants do well in different Bay Area microclimates, indoors and outside. She will show small potted succulent arrangements for inspiration for your own compact garden.
Delle Maxwell is a Master Gardener representing San Mateo and San Francisco counties since 2014. She has also been a volunteer for 24 years at the San Francisco Botanical Garden (now the Gardens of Golden Gate Park), where she currently works as a Green Team volunteer, and serves on the Board of Directors. She has an extensive collection of succulents at her home both inside and outdoors.
Cultivate your green thumb.