How do I embed a list I created with BiblioCommons in to a webpage?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

To embed a booklist carousel in your webpage, insert the iframe snippet (see below) into the source-code of your page and replace ListID with your BiblioCommons booklist’s ID number. The booklist ID is the 2nd set of numbers that appears in your booklist’s URL.

1. Copy the iframe snippet below and paste it into the source of your webpage.


2. Replace ListID with your booklist's ID number in the snippet you inserted.

What should I do if I suspect someone is using my library card number to use a computer?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

If you suspect someone is using your library card number – whether to use a computer or to check out library materials – report it to library staff and ask for a new PIN/password.

Fraudulent use of another’s Library card number to reserve or use computers is prohibited and may result in suspension of library privileges.

See also Library Use Guidelines

How do I know if the time on the computers is accurate?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Each computer should show the same, official time on the login screen, since every computer gets its time from the Internet through the Library’s server. Once a session begins, a countdown clock shows how much official time remains in the session. (The time on each computer’s taskbar – in the lower right-hand corner – is not connected to the server and should not be used to calculate the time remaining in your session.)

圖書館是否有微軟辦公室軟件 2013?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

圖書館為了給那些使用圖書館電腦進行文字處理、電子表格和演示文稿的用戶提供更好的使用體驗,SFPL 現已安裝了Office 2013 文件處理辦公室軟件。此軟件包括 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint,替換現有的 OpenOffice 文字處理軟件,它包括Writer、Calc 和 Impress。


此外,Office2013 提供的Excel,是一個最先進、用電子表格、圖表和圖形等來組織和分析數據的工具。同時還有PowerPoint 演示軟件也非常受到教育工作者和企業的青睞。

這個最新的 Office2013 為我們的用戶提供了可同時與新舊版本的 Office 軟件兼容的功能。用戶必須使用圖書證和個人密碼登錄才可使用這個新的軟件,與使用其他圖書館電腦規則相同。


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on



-在圖書館的網站登入 您的圖書館賬戶後,可進行管理、續借和預定資料等工作。


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

-上網,輸入您的圖書證號碼 。您你將會收到電子郵件,説明如何重新設定個人密碼。如果您的圖書舘帳戶内沒有提供有效的電子郵件地址,請尋求圖書館員的幫助。
-上網使用SFPL 對話和短信 服務。
-在圖書館裏,工作人員可在任何服務台為您重新設定個人密碼。 為了保障您的權益,工作人員會要求您提供住址、生日、圖書證或附有照片的有效身份證。
-還可致電 (415) 557-4400要求協助。
-電郵至 info  要求幫助。


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on




Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


Based on the recommendations issued by the Department of Public Health related to aggressive social distancing to help curtail further spread of COVID-19 in our community, all locations of the San Francisco Public Library are closed until further notice. During this period, we will continually assess this developing situation to determine the length of closure.

For our interim policies regarding renewals, returns, holds and other account-related inquiries, please visit our Library Closure: Frequently Asked Questions .


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

-數碼光碟/ 光碟站只可觀看和收聽圖書館擁有並限於總館提供的數碼光碟和光碟
-幫助殘疾人士的服務 (只在總館)

-在圖書館裡使用手提電腦 。
-除了總圖書館一樓的三十分鐘快速上網電腦、圖書館網上目錄和文章數據庫用電腦、以及ADA電腦,所有其他公眾使用電腦都是電腦預約系統的一部分。 電腦預訂系統 。
-查看圖書館電腦的互聯網和電腦使用規則及政策 。