Conexión Inalámbrica (WiFi) a Internet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

La conexión inalámbrica a Internet requiere un aparato móvil con una tarjeta de Internet inalámbrica que acepte el estándar de WiFi.

Configurar su computadora - Haga clic en My Network Places/Network Neighborhood para configurar su computadora y que acepte automáticamente una dirección IP.

Buscar Lugares Idóneos en la Biblioteca

What browsers does BiblioCommons support on computers, mobile devices, and eBook readers?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Some eReaders are not supported by BiblioCommons.

BiblioCommons supported browsers

Microsoft Edge                                                                                          

The most recent stable release, and the 2nd most recent stable release on Windows 10.   


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


Microsoft Edge


Internet Explorer 11

自2016年4月1日起,BiblioCommons 停止支持IE 9,自2016年6月30日起 BiblioCommons 停止支持IE 10。

微軟公司不支持比IE 11更舊的瀏覽器。

Windows versions in mainstream support


BiblioCommons支持適用視窗8和視窗10的版本,BiblioCommons支持適用最新Mac OSX版本。

Firefox versions


BiblioCommons支持使用視窗8和視窗10 的版本,適用最新Mac OSX版本。

Windows versions in mainstream support .

Chrome versions .



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

新館藏目錄( Bibliocommons )裡有一項非常有用的功能:稍後處理。用這項功能將你不願現時預定的資料,但想在將來借閱的資料記錄在這裡。

-將有彈出視窗顯示這樣的信息:“XXX資料已新增至您的「稍後處理」 書架。”和你的書架設置信息:私人或是公開(默認設置為公開)。

I returned my library item but it still shows as checked out.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Please contact us  with your library card account number and the item's title. 

If you can let us know which library you returned the item to and when, those details can help us look for it, and find it. We'll remove it from your account, too.

If there are a lot of discrepancies with your library account, please return items to a staff person and get a receipt.



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

