What is Kanopy and how does it work?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

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Getting Started

What do I need?

Where are my ebooks?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

If you replaced your library card, you received a new account number. Any Libby and/or Boundless ebooks need to be transferred to the new account number.

Please click the button below to fill out the ebook transfer form:


If you use Hoopla , you can update your library card barcode number under Settings > Library Settings


What is The MIX?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Mix  at SFPL is an innovative, teen-designed, 21st century Connected Learning space that provides 4,770-square feet of space and equipment for youth ages 12-18 to explore, create and develop digital media and computer skills as well as discover and engage with the Library’s traditional books and materials.

What is Rosetta Stone and how do I get started?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to access Rosetta Stone on a device with a web browser. To use Rosetta Stone on a smartphone or tablet, please see the mobile app instructions .


1. Open a web browser and go to sfpl.org . Click on Research & Learn tab and then eLearning.


2. Click Language Learning/ESL.

3. Scroll down the list until you find the Rosetta Stone link. Click on the link. (Note: We also offer Mango Languages, another language-learning platform.)


Why am I receiving this newsletter?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You received our monthly eNewsletter because you have a library card and may be interested in our programs, services, books and movies. Thank you for supporting SFPL.

How did you receive my email?

You provided your email address when you registered for a library card.

How do I unsubscribe?

How do I access an EPUB/PDF-formatted ebook from Boundless?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

TIP: For the best experience, access your Boundless ebook through the native Boundless app or website . Log into your account, then click Read to read your ebook in a web browser or in the app.


Step 1: Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) 

Before checking out an EPUB/PDF-formatted eBook from Boundless , you must have the Adobe Digital Editions  installed on your PC or your device. If you have not installed ADE, please go to Adobe Digital Editions Downloads .


甚麼是The Mix?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

甚麼是The Mix?

The Mix at SFPL 是一個由青少年設計、富有創新精神的21世紀連結式學習(Connected Learning )空間, 4,770平方尺的空間和設備供12-18歲的青少年用以探索、創造和開發數位媒體和電腦技能,以及搜索和利用圖書館的傳統書籍及資料。青少年可借助高新數位媒體、視頻/音訊錄製、電腦和創客設備,擴展想像力和科技、讀寫能力,加入個人和團體專案,提升思辨能力、創新意識和技能獲取能力。

The Mix發起于一項由博物館與圖書館服務協會(Institute of Museum and Library Services)和麥克亞瑟基金會(MacArthur Foundation)提供的規劃資金,受益於三藩市公立圖書館之友(Friends of the San Francisco Public Library)的額外財政支援,由灣區影視聯盟(Bay Area Video Coalition)、加州科學館(California Academy of Sciences)和三藩市公共電視臺(KQED)攜手共建。The Mix at SFPL屬於全國青少年非正式學習空間合作夥伴,具有如下特點:

¿Qué es The Mix at SFPL?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Mix at SFPL es un innovador espacio de aprendizaje interconectado del Siglo XXI, creado por estudiantes, que brinda a jóvenes de 12 a 18 años  4,770 pies cuadrados de área y equipos para explorar, crear y desarrollar medios digitales y habilidades en informática, así como descubrir y usar los libros y materiales tradicionales de la biblioteca.