4:30 - 8:00
United States
Meeting documents available for viewing and download
- Library Commission Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Item 2. JUNE 20, 2024 Draft Minutes
- Item 3.1 Capital Projects Update Presentation
- Item 3.2 Ocean View Library Cost Estimate
- Item 4.1 Pride and Hormel LGBTQIA Center Presentation
- Item 4.2 Career Online High School Graduation Presentation
- Item 4.3 Public Library Association President Presentation
- Item 5. San Francisco Chronicle Obituary
Public Comment
- John Trasvina, OMI Homeowner, submitted public comment, thanking the Library for its stewardship of an excellent public library system in San Francisco and regarding the proposal for a larger and permanent branch library to serve the Ocean View-Merced Heights-Ingleside (OMI) urged the continued consideration of the I.T. Bookman Center on Randolph Street for a new library. While many currently favor Orizaba and Brotherhood Way, that location is less accessible and potentially more dangerous to vehicular and other traffic than the Bookman Center. The Bookman Center is directly on the M Streetcar line, within a few hundred feet of the current library and is a well-known community location. OMI residents remember Mr. Bookman as a welcoming and inclusive community leader and it would be a tremendous testament to community residents and young people to have the Center become the place for our new library. The Brotherhood Way location is less accessible, especially for seniors.
- Katherine Hsieh, volunteer CNL co-rep CNL rep. for Chinatown submitted public comment in which she extended her heartfelt condolences to the family of Marcia Popper. Marcia truly loved life and lived it in an authentic way. She will be missed by those whose lives she touched and the causes she championed it looks like too.