Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Saturday, 6/8/2024
2:00 - 4:00
Sunset Program Room

1305 18th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122
United States

Contact Telephone

Out of the Dust is a film that combines dance, poetry and music to evoke the specter of the internment of Japanese Americans. The program includes discussion with its creators.

Out of the Dust is told through ghosts of Manzanar Detention Camp who come to life through the poetry of Janice Mirikitani, the music of Miles Lassi and Paul Chihara, and the Japanese American folk dance “Ei Ja Nai Ka” (meaning “Ain’t it good?”) choreographed and music written by PJ Hirabayashi. After the closing of the camps, who and what memories were left behind in the windy dust-laden desert of Manzanar?

Out of the Dust is a film dedicated to the memory of our friend and collaborator, Japanese American poet and child incarceret Janice Mirikitani.

Co-Created by Yayoi Kambara and Brian Staufenbiel. Directed by Brian Staufenbiel.

Choreography by Yayoi Kambara and cast.