Periodical Finder
Find out where to access full-text periodicals online through our database subscriptions or in print at the library. (EBSCO)
San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles Times, New York Times and more. Click the link below to see all collections.
America’s News (NewsBank)
U.S. news content from local, regional and national sources (printed and online newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts and videos). Includes 150 different California titles, including Sacramento Bee, San Jose Mercury News, and Oakland Tribune.
California Historical Newspapers (NewsBank)
Explore a collection of California historical newspapers — including the American Sentinel, California Star, Daily Globe, Evening Post, Oakland Daily News, San Francisco Bulletin, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Evening Journal, Weekly Alta California and others from 1847 to 2017.
Historical Newspapers: U.S. West Collection (ProQuest)
Expand your historical newspaper reach by searching in newspapers from California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, and other western states. Includes the Reno Evening Gazette, Shasta Courier, Oregon Statesman, and over seventy other newspapers.
San Francisco Business Times
Access to the digital version of San Francisco Business Times, Book of Lists, and Los Angeles Business Journal.
San Francisco Chronicle, Historical & Recent (NewsBank)
Access full page and article images 1865 to current, with searchable full text of the historical San Francisco Chronicle from 1865 to 2017+. Note: Some article images may still be unavailable. (NewsBank)
- Most Recent Issues (including today's Chronicle)
San Francisco Examiner, Historical & Recent (ProQuest)
Access full page and article images with searchable full text from 1865 to current (cross-reference database search). Links to specific collections appear below.
- Daily Examiner (1865-1889)
- The Examiner (1889-1902)
- San Francisco Examiner (1902- present)
Los Angeles Times
Access full-text coverage of national, international, and local news, 1881 to current (cross-reference database search). Links to specific collections with article images appear below. Click the link above to search all three databases at once. (ProQuest)
- Los Angeles Times - Historical (1881 to 1999, full text PDF)
- Los Angeles Times - Text Edition (1985 to current, full text)
- Los Angeles Times - Record Edition (2008 to current, full image text)
New York Times Online
Access the online version of New York Times. Note: Some sections are only available to paid subscribers.
- New York Times - Replica Version (PressReader)
- New York Times - Online Access from Home (Get Started) - This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.
- New York Times - Historical (1851 to 4 years ago, full text PDF)
- New York Times - East Coast Late Edition (1980 to present, full text)
- New York Times - Recent (2008 to 3 months ago, full text PDF)
- New York Times Book Review (1988 to present, full text PDF)
- New York Times Magazine (1997 to present, full text PDF)
NewspaperArchive - United States Collection
Access to historical U.S. and California newspapers such as the Berkeley Daily Gazette, Oakland Tribune, San Mateo Times and many others.
Choose from 4000 newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages, many providing same-day publication with a 60-day back file. Searchable by country, title, and date. Check our FAQ for more information. If you're experiencing a problem with this service, please contact PressReader Support. (ProQuest)
- PressReader FAQ
- PressReader App for Android
- PressReader App for iPad/iPhone
- PressReader App for Kindle Fire Tablets
- PressReader App for other operating systems (OS)
Russian Central Newspapers
Access to this resource ends in June 2025. For available Russian titles, please see PressReader.
US Newsstream
Explore U.S. news dating back to the 1980s, including newspapers like Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal. Also includes newswires and blogs and local and regional newspapers. (ProQUest)
The Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition
Access The Wall Street Journal in three formats.
- The Wall Street Journal ( | How do I access The Wall Street Journal (
- The Wall Street Journal - Eastern Text Edition, 1984 to present (ProQuest)
- The Wall Street Journal - Online Edition, 2010 to present (ProQuest)
The Washington Post
Access major U.S. newspapers covering local, national, and world news, 1980 to present. (Gale)
For more newspapers, including additional historical archives, please visit Articles & Databases.
Consumer Reports, Flipster Digital Magazines, National Geographic, Kono Digital and more. Click the link below to see all collections.
Bay Area Consumers’ Checkbook
Get ratings and reviews on the quality and prices of local services and products.
Consumer Reports
Get ratings and reviews for thousands of products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting. Also available: Consumer Reports (EBSCO MasterFILE), full text.
Flipster Digital Magazines
Stream popular digital magazine titles online from a computer or download them to a smartphone or tablet using the Flipster mobile app for offline reading. (EBSCO)
- Flipster FAQ
- Flipster App for Android
- Flipster App for iPad and iPhone
- Flipster App for Kindle Fire Tablets
NEW! Hoopla Magazines BingePass
Get seven days of unlimited access to more than 100 popular magazines — like Us Weekly, Good Housekeeping, Prevention, Cosmopolitan, Reader’s Digest, In Touch, TIME, and more. Use the Hoopla Digital app to start reading. See title list.
Kono Digital
Access more than 200 full-color digital magazines in Chinese (traditional characters), Japanese and Korean from a computer, tablet or smartphone.
NEW! National Geographic Virtual Library
Explore the full-text historical run of National Geographic Magazine from the 1800s onward. (Gale)
Qikan Chinese Magazines
Access 200 current, popular Chinese-language magazines published in China. Available in either traditional or simplified characters. (Dragonsource)
Rock's Backpages
Access music journalism from the 1960s to the present, including audio interviews from Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchell, Kurt Cobain and more.