Health and wellness coverage from mainstream medicine to the perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Topics include aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children’s health, men & women’s health, etc.
Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 9000+ products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting. Powered by EBSCO MasterFILE.
Women’s studies literature from journals, newsletters, and reports.
Listen to individual recordings in genres like world dance, reggae, world beat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing, jazz, and more.
Coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak includes openly available content related to coronaviruses and articles from the world’s leading publishers and current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv.
Concise, reliable, and up-to-date cultural information on countries across the globe. It includes four editions: the World Edition (for junior high school students and up) and the Kids, States, and Canadian Provinces editions (for upper elementary school students).
Dance productions and documentaries by influential performers and companies of the 20th century. Selections cover ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental and improvisational dance.
Database of all aspects of design and crafts, from textiles and ceramics to vehicle design, advertising and sustainability.
Digitized photographs and collections on the Digital Public Library of America platform, including images from the San Francisco Digital Collections.
Index to dissertations and theses from institutions in North America and Europe.