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1 - 10 of 43 results
American Song | (Alexander Street)

American Song (Alexander Street)

Audio recordings to support the teaching of American musical traditions including country, folk, jazz, bluegrass, Western, old time, American Indian, blues, gospel, R&B and shape note singing.

Readers Guide Retrospective | (Wilson)

Art Full Text (Wilson Web/EBSCO)

1929 - present

Articles, interviews, film reviews, book reviews, bibliographies, exhibition listings, conference reports, anthologies, and editorials covering a wide range of art subjects. 

SFPL Recursos Útiles

Bay Beats Local Music

Discover more than 200 local music acts from Bay Beats, SFPL's award-winning local music streaming service. Stream tracks from all genres online or download them with your SFPL card. Look for our third submission round to open in Spring 2025!

Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries®

Classical Music Library (Alexander Street)

Stream tens of thousands of classical recordings, many of which have links to supplementary reference information. The collection ranges from Medieval to contemporary, from choral works to symphonies, operas, and the avant-garde.
