6:00 - 7:00
United States
Learn about Queen Lili'uokalani, her reign as the final monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, her connection to San Francisco and the love she had for her community and the children of the world with music and cultural dances of Hawai'i. Participation encouraged.
Tune in on YouTube.
Halau Ha'a Kea o Kinohi is the second expression of the teachings of Kumu Paul Neves. Na haumana (students) are from Hilo, Hawai'i, San Francisco, CA and Kyoto, Japan. Kinohi means a new beginning and he is the son of Kumu Paul. This halau is named in his honor. Halau colors are Red (the color of the lehua blossom and the working chiefs of the land), Black to enhance the red and encompasses all colors (meaning the halau welcomes all) and White for the purity of our hearts and intentions as we embark on this experience with one another. In the logo, the bridge represents the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA and connects to the red lehua blossoms of Hawai'i island. Together they symbolize the travel taken to bring our haumana together from Hawaii' and San Francisco.
Dance & Music
Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.
AANHPI Interest
Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.
Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.