12:00 - 1:00
Bay Beats presents Transient, performing in the atrium of the Main Library.
Transient was founded by award winning composer, multi-instrumentalist, sound artist/designer, and instrument inventor, David R. Molina. The project explores ambient, noise, industrial, free improvisation and experimental music. Molina plays traditional instruments, invented/found object instruments and processes/loops them via electronics. The results are haunting and beautiful - or dark and disturbing - soundscapes, or beat-driven layers of noise, or a wall of soaring shoegaze guitar.
Listen to Transient on Bay Beats.
Dance & Music
Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.
Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.
Bay Beats
Enjoy free performances from musicians on SFPL's Bay Beats local music streaming platform. Featuring all genres, from classical to folk, rock to rap, pop to punk.