10:00 - 12:00
Led by the exhibition curator, this tour will explain 50 postcards on display at the Chinese Center, depicting Chinatown in San Francisco from 1903 to 1915. These postcards vividly capture the daily lives of Chinese immigrants and nostalgic scenes from Chinatown over a century ago. The event will be divided into two sessions based on language: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM for English narration, and 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM for Chinese narration. Space is limited and reservations are required: click online registration
由展覽策展人帶領,講解在華裔中心展出的50張1903年至1915年間描繪舊金山唐人街的明信片。這些明信片生動有趣地記錄了一百多年前中國移民的日常生活以及唐人街內的懷舊場景。活動將根據語言分為兩個時間段進行: 上午10:00-11:00 英文講解; 上午11:00-12:00 中文講解。 名額有限,需預約:請點擊線上註冊
Chinese American Interest
Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Chinese American community.
AANHPI Interest
Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.
Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.
活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin