How many may I reserve / hold? How many may I borrow? How long may I keep items?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

How Long?

You may borrow for up to 21 days. Most items are eligible for up to 5 renewals of 21 days each.
Holds ready-for-pickup are available for 10 days.

How Many?

Limits on DIGITAL items for all SFPL Library Cards:

-Overdrive & Boundless borrowed or holds: 25 ea. per platform
-Hoopla borrowed per month: 30
-Kanopy tickets per month: 30


What is InterLibrary Loan (ILL) and how does it work?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service that allows cardholders to borrow books, articles, and microfilm not available at the San Francisco Public Library or via LINK+ .  ILL is a cooperative effort among many libraries in North America. 

How do I submit an ILL request?
submit your request online, and be sure to view the instructions at the top of each form: 

-Interlibrary Loan Book Request
-Interlibrary Loan Article Request
-Interlibrary Loan Microfilm / Microfiche Request

Can I receive a notice when holds are ready / items are due?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You may choose to receive notices from SFPL by email, telephone, or postal mail.

Email Notices

If you opt to receive email notices, you will receive the most complete messaging method the Library provides. You will be informed when:

-an item is due in 2 days or has been Auto Renewed
-an item on hold is ready to be picked up or has expired
-an item is 3, 10, or 21 days overdue
-an item is 30 days overdue and is billed to your account

Can I receive notification via text message of holds ready to pickup and items due back?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Getting Started

STEP 1: Visit Library Elf  to set up an account.

STEP2: Add your library card by selecting CA – San Francisco Public Library (subscriber) from the list of libraries and by entering your library card number and PIN.

STEP 3: Specify the types of reminder notices you would like to receive, how you would like to receive them (email, RSS and/or text message) and how frequently.

STEP 4: Confirm your subscription by clicking the link that Library Elf sends via email.

Do I have to set up a separate login to use BiblioCommons?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

To sync BiblioCommons features with your Library Card account, there is a one-time registration using your existing Library Card number (barcode) and PIN (password). The good news is, once you register, you can use your username OR barcode to log in. You don't have to try to remember your library card number.