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Breathwork & Chakras for Emotional Wellness Month (October)
Tuesday, 10/10/2023
4:00 - 6:00
Excelsior Meeting Room

4400 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112
United States

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Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Erynne Elkins will guide Excelsior Branch library patrons through a deeper awareness and understanding of how optimally functioning chakras can support our emotional wellness partnered with transformative breathwork. She will facilitate this session with ambient music and supportive, vocal prompts. As we step away from the non-stop busyness, we’ll come together and breathe…individually and as a community. The entire session, including 35- minutes of breathwork, will last two hours. The first 20 registrants who are present for the entire two-hour session will receive a complimentary copy of The Complete Guide to Chakras Vintage Edition by Ambika Wauters. Wearing a face mask and/or bringing your own yoga mat is optional.

Space limited. Reservations Required: 415-355-2868.