In 1977, the Oakland Public Library and the San Francisco Public Library received funding from a Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) to begin serving the Bay Area Deaf community. The funds were used to hire staff and to develop a collection which reflected their unique needs. This distinctive banner was designed by Lee Ann Akau, a local Deaf artist, and handcrafted by Margaret Myhre, Deaf Services Librarian from 1980-1989. "Library", as shown by two "L" handshapes, form the ends of the Bay Bridge. "Friend", as shown by the linked index fingers, spotlights the center of the bridge. This banner is a permanent part of the Deaf Services Center collection.

125th Anniversary Celebration Exhibit Case.

The San Francisco School of Lip Reading Award donated by Elaine Donworth.
Arts and Crafts copper vase created by Dirk Van Erp.

In The Eagle Soars to Enlightenment
by Kenneth W. Norton.

The Silent Worker
November 1948

1989 BACE Award
(Bay Area Cable Excellence Award)

American Culture: The Deaf Perspective
(Produced by SFPL)
To purchase or rent this video

Bay Area Cable Excellence (BACE) Fade to Gold booklet

American Culture: The Deaf Perspective (flyer)

The Heritage of Deaf People

The Culture of Deaf People

TTY (Teletypewriter)
Model 32KSR or ASR
circa 1968 - 1975

(Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)
Used for training
circa 1975 - present