English Language Tutoring
Adult English Language Learners who live in San Francisco can improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills with the help of a one-on-one tutor.
How It Works:
- Tutors and Learners are paired together for 6 months.
- They meet once a week for 1 to 2 hours per session.
- It's FREE!
- Your volunteer tutor will help you improve your English language skills to achieve your personal goals.
To Sign Up for a Tutor:
Our ESL program is designed exclusively for San Francisco residents, as part of our mission to serve our local community. If you currently live outside of San Francisco, we encourage you to explore ESL programs and resources at the library in your area, as many libraries provide excellent opportunities for learners.
Requests for tutoring have reopened! Please fill out this form to request a tutor.
While you wait, please:
- see the City College of San Francisco free ESL classes
- join our online ESL Convo Club to practice English every Tuesday from 3-4 p.m. See more information below.
To Become a Tutor:
Thank you for your interest in helping! Tutoring is a rewarding way to help your community. Volunteer ESL tutors must complete a three hour tutor training session. Our next training session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 4:00-7:00 pm to be held online via Zoom. If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please fill out this ESL Volunteer Tutor Interest Form and we'll contact you with more information, including the link to register for trainings.