The San Francisco Public Library welcomes transitional age youth and young adults! On this page, find a sampling of the thousands of events and resources the library provides free to the public, especially curated for young people experiencing any of the following: involvement in public systems, homelessness, living with a disability or special need, lack of educational opportunities, un/underemployment, lack of healthcare or accelerated health & well-being needs, identification on the LGBTQIA spectrum.
If you would like to connect with the library to access services and resources, or if you’re looking to partner with us for a program or event: call 415-557-4400, stop by a public desk at any of our locations or email info@sfpl.org. We’ll be happy to hear from you!
The library curates special focus collections and offers amazing community-centered events and exhibits. Check out the following Centers and services online or stop by the Main Library to learn more.
Did you know that nearly everything at the library is FREE? Here is a list of things that cost zero dollars at the library:
- get a card
- borrow books, ebooks, movies, records and more
- use online resources like Rosetta Stone and Kanopy
- return a book late
- print/copy (up to $2/day)
- log onto public internet computers
- connect to WiFi
- attend events and workshops