San Francisco Resources and Services

San Francisco Resources and Services

Did you know that the SF Public Library has a social worker on staff? If you're interested in connecting with the social work team, ask at any public service desk at the Main Library.

Project Homeless Connect

Referrals and resources including haircuts, housing, health care and more.

Youth Voice Directory

Created by youth and for youth of San Francisco, this excellent directory will guide you to resources and services including education, employment, essentials, health and wellness, legal help, shelter, and social services.


LYRIC’s mission is to build community and inspire positive social change through education enhancement, career trainings, health promotion, and leadership development with LGBTQQ youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.


Huckleberry Youth Programs

From emergency shelter to a free health clinic to community advocacy, Huckleberry is here to help. Serving ages 11-24.

Larkin Street Youth Services

Larkin is one of the biggest youth service organizations in the state, providing healthcare, housing, employment, and education services to youth ages 12-24. They also have a really cool Art Program.

Youth Coordinated Entry Access Points

Up-to-date links on how to find one of San Francisco’s Access Points for Youth Coordinated Entry for youth ages 18-27 experiencing homelessness and seeking housing or other care.

Note: If under 18, no coordinated entry required – please call Huckleberry House 415.621.2929 for immediate shelter.

Crisis lines:

Help is always available!
Huckleberry House 24-hour Teen Crisis hotline:
Find more info on the Huckleberry website 

SF Suicide Prevention support:
24/7 Crisis Line: Call (415) 781-0500
HIV Nightline: Local (415) 434-2437
HIV Nightline: 1-800-273-2437
TTY Line: (415) 227-0245
Drug Info Line: (415) 362-3400
Relapse Line: (415) 834-1144

Text YOUTH to (415) 200-2920 to talk to a counselor via text.