The Etching and Engraving Picture File is composed of copyright-free illustrations from late 19th and early 20th century magazines and illustrated works. Over 95% are black and white engravings. Illustrations are filed in folders organized into more than 4,500 subject headings.

The Etching and Engraving Picture File Index (PDF) may be used to locate subjects of interest. Art and Music Center librarians will retrieve subject files from locked cases. In order to review images, patrons must provide suitable collateral ID and to sit in a designated area.

Patrons may check out up to 12 images with a current library card; alternatively, pictures may be photographed or scanned within the library. When suitable items have been found, librarians at the Art and Music Center will count out images to be checked out and circulate them in a designated envelope. This envelope is checked out from the Art & Music Center reference desk. It must also be returned to the same desk. Fines are assessed for late returns, damage or loss of each engraving.