James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center - 3rd Floor
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
About the Center
The James C. Hormel LGBTQIA+ Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and allies’ history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.
This lovingly-appointed space—funded 25 years ago by thousands of individuals and anchored by a $500,000 gift from James C. Hormel (1933 – 2021), the first openly gay U.S. ambassador—holds the collective memories and aspirations of our local LGBTQIA+ community. The hand-painted ceiling mural, wood-paneled walls and semi-circular shelves with their 1,000-title sampling of the collection’s 10,000+ books resonate with the collective kindness and attention we as a community give to our queer histories and experiences each and every day.
The Center also collaborates with other library departments and community organizations to sponsor a diverse array of exhibitions and public programs. It is also a resource for families, friends and allies to help support the LGBTQIA+ community.
The Hormel Center Reading Room on the 3rd floor of the Main Library serves as the home-base of the Center and houses a selection of non-circulating books and magazines.
The Center librarians are at the 3rd floor General Collections desk.
- Hormel Center History
- Frameline @ the Library
- Past Exhibits
- Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial Branch
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Drag Laureate program
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center New Acquisitions

Making No CompromiseBaggett, Holly A.
Take My Name but Say It SlowDai, Thomas
The Highest AppleGrahn, Judy
Noble DeedsFink, Ben
ÁguilaMoroles, María Cristina
My Gay HistoryAbramson, Mark
Hello StrangerBetancourt, Manuel
Trans Anthology ProjectBoylan, Chrissy
We ThreeGomez, Jewelle
Her Own PathRed, Ida Vsw
Kink Is
A Last Supper of Queer ApostlesLemebel, Pedro
My Body UnspoolingFox, Leo
Greasepaint PuritanCantu, Maya
A Queer History of FlamencoLópez Rodríguez, Fernando
Biomythography BayouLewis, Mel Michelle
Some of My Best Friends Are NakedKeefe, Tim
Your Dazzling DeathDonish, Cass
When the Band Played onLee, Michael G.
Trans Kids, Our KidsStratton, Alexis
Christopher Isherwood Inside OutBucknell, Katherine
The Color PynkTinsley, Omise'eke Natasha
Blue HeatDe Veaux, Alexis
DragstrippingBeatty, Jan
Men Without MapsIbson, John
Casa SusannaBonnet, Isabelle
Letters to Home
The Selected ShepherdShepherd, Reginald
Queering Family TreesPatton-Imani, Sandra
Making the Case for EqualityPizer, Jennifer C.
TranzWilliams, Spencer
Sky. Pond. MouthMcLellan, Kevin
Country QueersGarringer, Rae
The Modern Queer TarotBarber, Robert
It Gets Better . . . Except When It Gets WorseMaines, Nicole
Glorious BodiesGordon, Colby
Archive ActivismFrancis, Charles C.
Queer as FolkloreCoward, Sacha
Queer Jews, Queer Muslims
A Place of Our OwnThomas, June
The Pinko Commie DykeEnszer, Julie R.
Scientia Sexualis
Dear Bi MenYussuf, J. R.
The Chromatic FantasyH. A.
Queering UrbanismYeros, Stathis G.
A Quick & Easy Guide to Coming OutRusso, Kristin
The Perfect BastardJohnson, Quinn Carver
Dream of the Divided FieldYanyi
2 Trans 2 Furious
The Day's Hard EdgeRodríguez, José Antonio
My Body Is PaperCuadros, Gil
A Sense of ShiftingRomack, Coco
The Magic BorderParks, Arlo
The Struggle to Be GayLancaster, Roger N.
Low-hanging FruitRainbow, Randy
Can the Monster Speak?Preciado, Paul B.
The Queer ParentJeffs, Lotte
Fat HamIjames, James
An Apartment on UranusPreciado, Paul B.
Drop inStoll, Deborah
Gender StudiesMance, Ajuan Maria
TransitoryBacon, Subhaga Crystal
Make It CountTelfer, CeCé
This Has Always Been A WarFox, Lori
El Ghourabaa
Dances of Time and TendernessCarter, Julian B.
Information ActivismMcKinney, Cait
Together, SomehowGarcía-Mispireta, Luis Manuel
Faces and PhasesMuholi, Zanele
Zanele MuholiMuholi, Zanele
Zanele MuholiMuholi, Zanele
The Queer & Transgender Resilience WorkbookSingh, Anneliese A.
PhotographyDunster, Flora
Vicious and ImmoralMcCurdy, John Gilbert
Some Men In London
TeeterAlidio, Kimberly
Crying WolfBoudreau, Eden
Bisexual Men ExistMehta, Vaneet
Queer ArtRolls-Bentley, Gemma
Angry Queer Somali BoyAli, Mohamed Abdulkarim
The Only Way Through Is OutMullen, Suzette
Survival Is A PromiseGumbs, Alexis Pauline
UnsuitableMedhurst, Eleanor
Butt SeriouslyGoldstein, Evan
Who's Afraid of Gender?Butler, Judith
Queer Power CouplesMurphy Winter, Hannah
Love Offers No Safety
When Monsters SpeakStryker, Susan
Morally StraightDe Socio, Mike
The T in LGBTRaines, Jamie
Gender/fuckingAshley, Florence
About Face
Welcome to the ClubDJ Paulette
Breaking the Rainbow CeilingMcCay, Layla
Great Gay Book
Authentic SelvesGillespie, Peggy
My Boyfriend ApocalypseMendoza, Antmen Pimentel
Mean BoysMak, Geoffrey