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The newly renovated Talking Books and Braille Center (TBBC) is part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress, and provides free library service to San Francisco residents who cannot access printed reading material due to a visual impairment or print disability. Registered patrons are welcome to check out talking books, braille books, and audio-described DVDs. A variety of access technology (AT) including computers, desktop video magnifiers, scanning and reading software, and a Braille embosser are also available for use. Every month, the TBBC hosts book clubs, a writer’s salon, a Spanish-language music appreciation group, personalized technical help, and other community events. Listen to our newsletter, The Voice, and stay updated with all the latest TBBC happenings. Contact us for the latest issue of the Tech Corner highlighting new technology, training opportunities and more.
TBBC Applications
- If you live in San Francisco and would like to receive NLS talking books, please fill out an application.
- If you live outside San Francisco, we can put you in touch with your network library.
Collections and Services
- Browse our Talking and Braille Books
- BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) Download NLS books to your device. BARD login
- Audio-described DVDs Listen to movies with a supplementary sound track with important visual elements during gaps in the dialogue
- NLS Music Service and Materials
- Braille on Demand
- SFPL Large Print Collection
Access Technology
- Braille Displays and Embosser Read Braille digitally and print Braille documents
- Video Magnifiers Enlarge printed text with text-to-speech capability
- Accessible Scanning and Reading Scan printed material and read the text in a computer voice
- AT Software Software for screen reading, magnification, scanning, learning differences, and Braille